The Era of ‘Mouse to Mouth’ has begun, upon ChatGPT 4o.

With the advent of Chat GPT 4.0, we have officially entered the era of ‘Mouse to Mouth.’ Until now, the primary input device for giving commands to computers has been the MOUSE(🖱️), but in the future, it will be the MOUTH(👄).

Consequently, the paradigm of intellectual skills required by humans will change.

1. The DOS Era When the Keyboard Was Everything

In the 1980s and early 1990s, the keyboard was the sole tool for interacting with computers. Command Line Interface (CLI) based operating systems like DOS (Disk Operating System) required users to control the computer through text commands.

DOS system computer

Remembering and inputting complex commands was essential, and users had to invest significant time to master these skills. The DOS era was a time when users’ creativity and patience were tested, and the interaction between users and computers was highly limited.

2. The Mouse, Opening the Era of GUI

With the introduction of the graphical user interface (GUI) in the mid-1980s, the mouse revolutionized computer input.

apple computer

Apple’s Macintosh and Microsoft’s Windows operating systems significantly improved user experience through intuitive and visual interfaces. Clicking icons and using drag-and-drop functionality to manage files made computers much more accessible.

This shift greatly increased the number of computer users and accelerated the advancement of computer science.

3. ChatGPT 4o – an electronic organism

Today, advanced AI systems like ChatGPT 4o are once again transforming how we interact with computers. ChatGPT 4o can understand human language through natural language processing, grasp the context of conversations, and provide answers to complex questions.

Speaking AI

This capability goes beyond simple command execution, enabling AI to understand user intent and offer appropriate responses. The development of AI is fundamentally changing our interaction with computers.

We are now entering an era where we can perform various tasks through natural conversations without relying on keyboards and mice.

After testing DALL-E’s drawing skills here, I thought AI was at least a decade away from posing any threat to humans. Now, I’m reflecting on that.

4. The Era of ‘Mouse to Mouth’

The advancement of AI and voice recognition technology is accelerating the shift from “mouse to mouth.”

It is becoming increasingly common to perform tasks using voice commands on smartphones, smart speakers, and cars. Voice recognition technology goes beyond merely recognizing commands; it understands user intent and facilitates more natural interactions through conversation.

Mouth to Mouth order screen

This significantly changes the way we interact with computers, shifting from mouse and keyboard-centric input methods to voice-centric interfaces. This is particularly advantageous in situations where hands-free interaction is necessary.

5. What will you do in the age of the Mouse to Mouth, Mr. Human?

In this changing landscape, the intellectual skills required by humans are also evolving. In the past, typing speed and accuracy on a keyboard were crucial skills.

However, in the GUI era, the ability to use a mouse and process visual information became important.

people talk to each other in the meeting room.

In the AI era, the ability to have natural conversations with computers, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity are becoming more vital.

As voice commands and interactions become commonplace, users no longer need to memorize complex commands; instead, they need the ability to collaborate with AI to find creative and innovative solutions.

What becomes important now is not merely mastering the technology itself, but the ability to effectively utilize that technology to create value. The ability to solve problems, create new opportunities, and make better decisions in collaboration with AI will be key competencies in the future, with your ‘mouth’, which output your creativity.

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